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Hair Transplant Treatment Clinic in Delhi
Studies have also shown that in some cases a person may go into depression in matters of looks which once they had and now have gone by passing time. In another word, it’s a major problem which cannot be complied with. But the question is how? Don’t worry, we have got it all covered, our best practice and specialization of Hair Transplantation is what you need and it’s the best solution you can get.
Hair transplantation is used to treat hair loss and baldness also called as Alopecia through surgical implementation. Being a part of cosmetic surgery, all measures are taken with great care for this intricate process and through efforts, tiny patches of the scalp are removed from the sides and back of the head, they are then implanted in the areas and patches of the affected areas such as on the top and the front of the head. The patient can be awake during the whole procedure and just a mild sedative to numb the affected area is applied to the scalp. If required, the patient can also be given an anaesthetic drug to keep him calm.
If you are unsure that hair transplant in Delhi is the right option for you then knowing the cause of your hair loss can help you to make a better decision. Few of the reasons are hereditary in female or male patterns of baldness which are caused due to certain hormones which can trigger hereditary hair loss. In other cases, hair loss may occur due to pause on cycle of hair growth and sometimes due to any traumatic events or surgery and most commonly due to illness.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is such kind of popular method for hair transplant in delhi which can sort your problem and can bring fulfillment to your hopes to make them true.
It is the most advanced and modern methods of hair transplant which can provide complete and natural results. There are no incisions made in this method, thereby leaving no linear scars on to surface and it uses suction in which individual grafts are removed. Once removed, the surgeon will then dissect it into individual grafts under a microscope followed by placing each graft in the recipient part of the affected area. In other words, it involves the removal and implantation of individual hair grafts on the scalp.
- In FUE, the patient’s non-bald areas are used as donor areas and the hair grafts are extracted from this area, one at a time. These extracted follicular unit grafts (hair groupings of 1, 2, 3 or 4 hairs, as they occur on the scalp) are harvested one by one using a small punch (usually ranging from 0.7 to 0.8 mm in size).
- Before the follicular unit extraction from the donor area, the hair are trimmed off for better visibility as the direction and the angle at which the follicular unit is present under the skin are not visible to naked eye and can often differ from the direction in which the hair grows on the surface. A sharp punch is used below the surface of the skin that might transect the underlying follicular unit making it easy to extract.
- Once the follicular unit is separated from its surrounding skin tissues it can be then extracted using the forceps by gripping the hair above the surface.
- Each follicle unit that is being extracted is examined carefully using a stereoscopic microscope and the non-hair bearing skin attached to the follicle are trimmed off, if required.
- The extracted follicular unit are either transferred to the recipient site as soon as it is extracted one by one or is kept in a holding solution that contains hair growth factors.
- The small hole that is left behind in the donor region after the extraction of the follicular unit heals on its own in a few days.
Lesser Downtime Procedure
These small punches require less time to heal than linear scars. The wounds will heal within just a few days No stitches or scalpels are used.
Invisible Virtual Scars
FUE as you understand makes no linear scars and it involves making very small punches in round to the back of the head. These punches consist of a follicular unit which comprises of a group of one to four hairs which leaves small dot-shaped scars on your head. This leads to results which are very minute and are easier to hide unlike linear ones.
Lesser Pain
Since small punches are made into your skin, it leaves very less pain to bear. Most of the times no medication such as painkillers is required.
Natural-looking hairline
FUE leaves you with a natural-looking hairline and thicker head of hair with no plugs.
At RSC, we augment the regular FUE procedure with a few additional steps to make it more effective and provide better results. Called the RakSHaa Advance FUE Treatment, autologous serum extracted from the patient’s blood is used to enhance the FUE treatment results. Advantage of RakShaa Advance FUE Treatment are:
The extracted hair is placed in the autologous serum, to enhance graft’s viability while it is outside the body, waiting to be transplanted over the recipient area.
The serum provides additional growth nutrients to transplanted hair follicles, thereby increasing success rate to of the transplant procedure.
The serum molecules have a special glue-like property, which promotes better bonding of hair follicles in the slits of the recipient area.
The serum helps in regulating the temperature and acid/alkaline changes in the follicle environment.
The autologous serum is also injected in the scalp, for faster healing of newly transplanted follicles as well as stability and growth of existing hair follicles.
RakShaa Advanced FUE Treatment is available in two variants:
- S-FUE or Plasma Assisted FUE: Plasma based serum is used along with the FUE Transplant process.
- G-FUE or GFC Assisted FUE: Hair Growth Factor Concentrate based serum is used along with the FUE Transplant process.
We also provide the following hair treatments at RakShaa Skin Clinic
Beard / Moustache Transplant
Eyebrow Transplant
Failed Hair Transplant Repair
Artificial Hair Fibers
*Opinions / Results may vary from person to person.
*Opinions / Results may vary from person to person.
*Opinions / Results may vary from person to person.
Monday to Sunday : 10:00am to 8:00pm
Rohini: +91 8447685685
C-8/563 Sector 8 Rohini,
Near Madhuban Chowk, Pillar No. 373, Rohini,
New Delhi 110085