Pimples Treatment in Pitampura

What is Acne?

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions among
patients in the age group of 12-35 years. Dealing with acne
could be a daunting task both physically and emotionally.
Uncertainty about when the next bout of pimples would happen
and figure out how to deal with its effects such as marks or scars is a big
challenge for a lot of us. Get the best acne treatment in Pitampura, Delhi

Pimples Treatment in Pitampura

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions among patients in the age group of 12-35 years. Dealing with acne could be a daunting task both physically and emotionally. Uncertainty about when the next bout of pimples would happen and figure out how to deal with its effects such as marks or scars is a big challenge for a lot of us. Get the best acne treatment in Pitampura, Delhi

Acne Is a Common Skin Problem That Is Caused Due to Factors Such As:​

Hypercornification: Clogging of skin pores by factors such as excessive oil, dust, dead skin cells, or similar micro-debris. This develops in the accumulation of sebum in the sebaceous glands (oil glands present in the skin).

P.acne: It is the bacteria that causes acne and is anaerobic. Hypercornification and excessive sebum production provide a favorable environment for bacterial growth.

Inflammation:Inflammation occurs post the action of P.acne, which develops in the formation of blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts.

Intrinsic factors: Hormonal changes, reactions to certain medication, or stress could also trigger acne.

Medications: As per acne specialist doctors in Delhi, at times ingredients used in makeup/OTC cosmetic products or even use of protein food supplements could trigger bad episodes of acne among patients.

Dietary Causes: Consumption of dairy products could result in aggravated acne breakouts as dairy products have a higher glycemic index and contain Insulin-like-Growth Factors (I-GF). Excessive use of processed food which could contain hormones or chemical additives could also be one of the reasons for the frequent occurrence of acne and related issues.

A recent change in skincare products 

Dandruff: Dandruff can clog pores and lead to pimples. Some patients feel that applying oil can prevent dandruff, but this is not true as it can make the dandruff situation worse.

Regular use of oil in excess amount can also result in the pores getting clogged as the oil often trickles down to the forehead and temple region, which further leads to acne.

Pimples, zits, blemishes, blackheads, whiteheads, etc. are the common names used interchangeably by patients to identify their problems. A few blackheads or whiteheads can be treated easily in their initial stage. If ignored, they could evolve into severe forms like papules, pustules, nodules, and cystic acne which calls for more intensive treatment, spread over a longer period of time.

Adult acne or acne vulgarisis becoming increasingly common among both men and women mainly due to an unhealthy lifestyle and higher degree of stress. Frequent use of OTC products and self-medication only adds to the seriousness of the problem. With as much as 20-25% of adult men and women complaining of this issue, it can no longer be taken lightly or ignored.

Among women, conditions such as PCOS or Hyperandrogenism could further aggravate the problem, calling for immediate medical attention. At Raksha Clinic, we offer the acne treatment in Pitampura, Rohini for both men as well as women.

Adolescent Acne has been commonly observed that adolescent acne is often ignored for being just another adolescence-related issue and would be over in few weeks. But the possibility of scarring increases by a huge extent if the right treatment is not done right in the initial stage of its onset before it aggravates any further. The longer the time acne goes without treatment, the higher the probability of it leaving scars on the face, and as scars get older it becomes hard and costlier, and time-consuming to remove. Scars can severely impact the facial architecture and make the aspiration of having a flawless face increasingly difficult to achieve, thereby taking a huge toll on the patient’s self-confidence.

Acne Treatment in Pitampura at Rakshaa Skin Clinic ​

The most important aspect of treating acne is identifying the stage and type of acne in the patient. There are four stages into which acne is commonly classified into:

Stage 1 – Mild acne: small, non-inflamed blackheads and whiteheads mostly found on the nose and forehead

Stage 2 – Intermediate acne: a greater number of blackheads and whiteheads, now on cheeks, chin, and jaw. Mildly noticeable with redness and/or small pustules.

Stage 3 – Severe acne: worsening redness, increased number of papules and pustules, can be seen easily and difficult to cover-up. Scarring now a concern.

Stage 4 – Most Severe acne: now referred to as nodulocystic acne. A painful condition involving pustules, papules, nodules, and large cysts. Often spreads from the face to other areas of the body, such as the back and chest. Scarring is visible.

Depending on the stage, the treatment will be decided by the treating dermatologist. Several treatment options are available at Rakshaa Skin Clinic such as:

  • Dietary modifications
  • Topical creams
  • Oral medications
  • Chemical peels
  • Laser treatments
  • Carbon laser

It is very important to treat acne as soon as possible – whether it is adolescent acne or adult acne, to avoid scarring which could further lead to a disfigurement of the face as well as the loosening of facial skin. At Raksha Clinic, individuals who have acne prone skin can be benefited by our acne treatment in Pitampura.

We believe in taking an all-round approach for treating acne – targeting both intrinsic as well as extrinsic causes of acne in conjunction with our recommended acne treatment in Pitampura. This is followed up with a detailed maintenance regimen for longer-lasting results. From reviewing and altering the patient’s diet, right up to improving their lifestyle. We also recommend the most suitable medications depending on their skin type and co-existing medical conditions. We have developed a diet at RSC, which is customized as per the patient’s calorie requirement, preferred food habits, BMI, etc. Adhering to diet and lifestyle improvements play important roles in the faster and effective best acne treatment in Pitampura.

Do’s & Don’ts for Acne

Acne is a common skin ailment that can afflict people of any age. At Rakshaa Clinic, we recognize how important appropriate skincare habits are for effectively managing acne. Here are some important do’s and don’ts to keep your skin clear and healthy

Dos for Acne:

  • Do Cleanse Gently: Wash your face twice a day with a mild cleanser to remove excess oil, grime, and pollutants without removing the skin’s natural oils.
  • Do Use Non-Comedogenic Products: To avoid clogged pores and breakouts, choose skincare and makeup products that are not comedogenic.
  • Do Stay Hydrated: Drink enough of water to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.
  • Do Follow a Consistent Skincare Routine: Create a skincare routine that involves cleaning, toning, moisturizing, and applying acne-fighting therapies suggested by your physician.
  • Do Protect Your Skin: Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day to protect your skin from damaging UV rays, which can aggravate acne and produce post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Don’ts for Acne:

  • Do not pick or squeeze pimples. Avoid scratching or picking at your acne spots to avoid scarring, infection, and irritation.
  • Don’t Over-Exfoliate: Exfoliate only once or twice a week to avoid irritating the skin and worsening acne.
  • Avoid using harsh skincare products: that contain alcohol, perfumes, or abrasive substances, since they can irritate and inflame acne-prone skin.
  • Do Not Skip Moisturizer: Even if you have oily skin, skipping moisturizer can cause dryness and increased oil production, exacerbating acne.
  • Don’t Overdo Makeup: Avoid using heavy, pore-clogging makeup products, and always remove makeup before going to bed to enable your skin to breathe and renew.


Dr. Rakesh Jangra offers the best Acne Treatment in Delhi. He suggests either a single treatment or a combination of procedures for quick and long-lasting results.

The cost of acne treatment in Pitampura will depend on the type of treatment one wishes to avail and also the severity of acne.

Dr. Rakesh Jangra will suggest various treatments for acne scars. These include Microneedling and Laser treatment, Chemical peels etc. He provides the best Acne Treatment in Pitampura and has treated many patients suffering from the problem of acne scars.